Lead Generation Collaboration - 5 Advantages

In today’s business environment, it is so competitive that if you do not participate in collaboration for lead generation, it’s gonna be very challenging to gain that edge. Notice how even companies have changed to foster the collaboration culture in the office. 

Traditionally, offices were built individually and everyone had their own rooms but now it has changed to an open concept and the bosses have their rooms with transparent glass panels. 86% of businesses use online collaboration for lead generation and it has a positive impact on business growth because informal collaboration can bring an enormous flow of fresh leads into your sales team.  

In theory, we all know that marketing and sales teams should be aligned to produce optimal results but did you know that lack of cohesion between these 2 departments can cost organizations a minimal 10% of revenue per year, let alone lack of cohesion between all the departments?

Lead Generation Collaboration - 5 Advantages

Since we know the many benefits collaboration can bring and the business losses that can occur due to lack of cohesion, why do so many companies still struggle with collaboration? 

It happens mostly due to organizational history – every single department has their own work flow and they do not like other departments to feedback on anything because it felt like “invading their territory” and past conflicts might have contributed to the current dysfunctional working relationships. So what can companies do to encourage collaboration so lead generation can become more efficient? 

Here are 5 huge advantages of lead generation collaboration: 


1. Social Media Connections

So many people are on social media nowadays not only for personal use but also for work. Social media does not just connect individuals, it connects their networks too. Every person in your company is a walking network of potential customers. 

Lead Generation Collaboration - 5 Advantages

Allowing people to connect their accounts together via collaboration software (Slack, Trello), can bring opportunities that your sales team will literally “die for”. Eg. The deal that the sales team has been trying unsuccessfully to close might be shocked to find out that the other company’s Chief Operating Officer might be a buddy of the Customer Service Manager so having an “insider” colleague might just seal the deal.   

2. How Live Questions Can Become A Research Survey

If your webinar includes a Q&A session with the audience which is generally recommended to increase engagement and build brand awareness, why not treat those questions not only as mandatory obligations to answer but also a stepping stone as research for your next webinar or marketing campaign?

The best questions are usually those which your audience found incredibly insightful and if that is the basis of great and effective communication, why not build your next webinar around them?

3. Video Presentations Can Become Evergreen Content

Here is one way where the video team and marketing team can work on collaboration. You present your TEDx talk to say, 500 guests and it works. Then you put it on the YouTube channel and it brings in 80 more. A year later, the video is still performing lead generation for you. 

Are you maximizing your resources and making the most out of your content? Make sure you are combing all the leads it can reach, across all channels. This way, your content always stays evergreen and continually brings in new leads. 

Lead Generation Collaboration - 5 Advantages

4. Garner Additional Feedback And Increase Lead Generation Simultaneously

At work, you are among your trusted colleagues who are also your friends. Sharing early drafts of your webinar content and how it would be available after the event, can generate a larger audience for that content easily, 

Once people have chimed in their feedback or contributed ideas, they feel a sense of ownership and will share it with their social networks. Here’s what you call “killing two birds with one stone” – boosting lead generation while improving the content with their feedback. 

5. Collaboration Pumps In New Ideas For Everything

Collaboration culture encourages the free flow of ideas without judgement. The morning round-ups, coffee breaks and casual conversations are known as the “light bulb cove” which contain informational cues to give you new ideas and content that will appeal to your audience, making you stand out from the competition. 

In summary, lead generation collaboration is no longer optional in today’s business world. It is mandatory and building connections upon connections not only helps to bring in fresh leads but their referrals too, increasing your brand awareness and business revenue too. 


Other topics –> Open Eye Meditation For Beginners – 8 Step Basic Guide

Open Eye Meditation

Many people like to close their eyes during meditation because it will somehow force them to try to quieten down and focus. However, for some of us, closing our eyes means escalating the number of thoughts darting through our minds or it makes us fall asleep in the midst of meditation. 

Have you heard of Open Eye Meditation? What if I told you that you can practise meditation with your eyes open? Would it interest you? Ultimately, the purpose of meditation is to help us relax and destress while bringing our focus back. There is no “one size fits all” style of meditation, rather, you choose the one that you are most comfortable with or the one that works best for yourself. 

Candles and singing bowls are props that are commonly used in meditation. But these do not need to be the mandatory focus points of your meditation. If you are out on your balcony and staring at the sunrise, keeping your eyes open for this beautiful sight would make sense. If you practise meditation with loving kindness, maintaining open eyes aka Open Eye Meditation can provide a powerful blessing.  

Open Eye Meditation

Open Eye Meditation gives us the opportunity to practise irregardless of where we are and how much time we have to spare. If you actually take some time to think about it, you would realize that Open Eye Meditation is perhaps the most powerful form of meditation in existence.

Why is that so? In order to do this, we expose ourselves to the surroundings and allow ourselves to be susceptible to interruptions, causing us to rein in a stronger focus instead. Open Eye Meditation is found in Tibetan and Zen Buddhism as well as Trataka Meditation so it is not completely new or unknown.

Some benefits include:

  • Ease of staying awake during states of sleepiness
  • Build strong concentration skills by focusing on a single object
  • Helps you merge it with your daily routine, making it a lifestyle
  • Develop powerful observation skills, helping you to cope well in social settings and in many areas of life

Now that you know about Open Eye Meditation, let’s start on the practice!


1. Choose An Object To Be Your Focal Point

The object could be something that  is currently available in your surroundings or it could be something that you always keep by your side. The best option is to pick an everyday item that is able to help you rein in your focus during Open Eye Meditation. 

Eg. You may choose either a pen instead of a watch as the latter might remind you of deadlines. Choose an item that will not distract you and keep you free from distractions. 

2. Check Out The Floor

Some people might find it challenging to focus on an object when there are so many distractions in the surroundings. Therefore direct your attention to the floor or your own feet to help you increase focus. 

When you divert your attention to the floor, you limit the amount of visual material you can see so this alternative method will work well for those who get distracted by objects or their minds tend to wander off into La La land easily.

Open Eye Meditation

3. Practise Your Breathing

Once you have found a focal point for Open Eye Meditation, you can start on breathing exercises. There are 3 different types of breathing exercises and you can choose one you feel most comfortable with. The most important is to pace your breathing during these exercises. 

As you are controlling your breathing, relax your mind and body. Make yourself comfortable by sitting in a relaxing position and remember to keep your focus on your chosen object. 

4. Be Aware

After a few rounds of breathing exercises, allow your eyes to travel across the room. Take a quick glance at your surroundings and be aware of them. When you are doing this, it is important not to let your focus dwell on an object for too long. Simply acknowledge their presence as you are doing this.  

Let the images flow as they are and as you are observing your surroundings, empty your mind of lingering thoughts. Choose to be present in the moment and just notice what is around you.  

5. Re-Focus Internally

Now that you have finished observing your surroundings, bring your focus back to yourself. If your breathing has slipped, resume control of your breathing. Notice the rate of your heartbeat and slowly observe how your body is feeling. 

Start from your feet and work all the way up to your head. Notice the surface your feet are resting on, the chair you sit on or even the bracelet that is clasped on your wrist. Take note of any body pain you might be experiencing at this time too.

Open Eye Meditation

6. Be Open And Accepting

Allow yourself to soak in the present and accept the events that are happening around you. Slowly connect your presence with them. Simply acknowledge that you are a part of this cycle and you are simply responding to its effects.

Take this time to pay attention to what is really happening. More often than not, we are too focused on how we see our surroundings that we neglect to see from others’ perspectives. By reconnecting with our surroundings, we will become more mindful of our actions after Open Eye Meditation. 

7. Learn To Detach

As you reconnect with your surroundings in the present moment, you might begin to feel the pressure of all its demands and expectations once again. Simply accept this as part and parcel of reconnection. This is normal and is a reflex response to your surroundings. 

Learn to detach yourself from negative thoughts and emotions. Learn to accept them and not resist in the current situation before releasing them. Then you can truly move forward and be open to any possibilities with a positive attitude. This is very important during practice of Open Eye Meditation.

8. Find Your Lighthouse

Direct your focus back to your chosen object and treat it as a guide to help you find your lighthouse. Use it to increase your focus or to reconnect with the present without investing too much of yourself. 

Be like a watchman and simply observe events as they come and go. Try to incorporate and integrate this into your daily routine. You would be amazed that it will help you focus so much better and you can find inner peace wherever you are. 

Now that you know Open Eye Meditation can be so easy even in the open surroundings, we hope you can find the inner strength and peace to deal with the daily grind no matter what you are doing. Have fun with Open Eye Meditation!


Other topics –> Trademark Valuation – 4 Best Practices Explained

Trademark Valuation - 4 Best Practices Explained

A trademark is an intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design or impression which can distinguish products or services of a particular provider from those of competitors. 

Trademarks can be located on the package, label or product itself. They and their associated goodwill, can be important legal rights supporting brands. As such, a trademark valuation is required, similar to brand valuation.

Trademark Valuation - 4 Best Practices Explained

A brand is a constituent element of any business and the registered trademark is considered as a commercial brand supporting the development of your business activity. 

When it comes to trademark valuation, there are a few factors that need to be taken into consideration besides valuation methods:

  • The geographical sphere of your business activities (national, regional and international)
  • The marketing budget allocation for commercial development
  • The fame of your company or brand
  • The current and future modus operandi of your brand  

Trademark valuation methods are extensive and here are 4 of the most common best practices:

Trademark Valuation - 4 Best Practices Explained

1. Market Multiples Approach

This mainly deploys the study of companies in a similar industry to comparable business models with a similar size. Their financial and accounting data is collected. Trademark evaluation is based on identifying the most relevant company business models and comparing their business performance with your company, thereby calculating the relevant multiples and ratios. 

By using this method, the data will help evaluators to establish the most relevant multiple linked to your trademark valuation by taking references into account such as revenue, gross margin, current income before taxes and net income etc. Additionally, analysis of the operating territories and brand’s positioning are also done to moderate these multiples. 

2. Market Approach

This is based on market observation and actual trademark valuations of comparable brands through research or public accounting data. Hence specific market-related data is required. It is generally based on ratios enabling by estimating the value of the target brand according to brands or companies in the similar industry. A risk premium is then derived. 

The data and ratios collected, are then compared and transposed to estimate the value of a brand, taking into account its specific characteristics – market, reputation, territory and activity. The size of competing companies is also taken into consideration.

Trademark Valuation - 4 Best Practices Explained

3. Income Approach

Present value of future incremental cash flows attributable to the specific trademark valuation, needs to be determined by the evaluator. To determine this value, four factors are taken into consideration:

  • Strategic use of the trademark – product sales, licensing, enforcement, and/or for defensive purposes
  • Amount of the cash flows
  • Timing of the cash flows – when they start and when they end (remaining useful life)
  • Risks of the cash flows

The nature of the cash flows associated with a trademark typically includes the use of a trademark in the sale of one or more products. 

4. Relief From Royalties Approach

The amount of royalties that a company would have to pay is being assessed based on a hypothetical licensing agreement just in case it did not own its brand. Other factors like industry, territory, reputation of the licensed brand and planned developments are also taken into account. 

This method is based on actual commercial contracts or contracts in progress. Similar licenses in identical industries are also being analyzed for a more accurate conclusion so that the terms regarding the theoretical royalties that could be granted under a trademark license signed with comparable conditions, can be defined. 

A theoretical average royalty rate is established over a certain period of time and the discounted royalty flow method is then applied. The value of the brand is thus determined on the basis of sum of future royalty flows net of discounted taxes, increased by the discounted residual trademark value. 

In summary, the trademark valuation methods are diverse and many factors need to be taken into consideration when it comes to accurate valuation of a trademark. There is no “one size fits all” approach. Rather, it is the use of two to three methods of investigation and analysis to derive an accurate and conclusive value.


Other topics –> Walking Meditation For Beginners – 4 Step Basic Guide

Walking Meditation For Beginners - 4 Step Basic Guide

The benefits of meditation are many and there are different types of meditation to suit every individual’s needs. For those who love walking and natural scenery, walking meditation is the recommended form of meditation. There is no special prop required for walking meditation (cushion and singing bowl etc). 

Walking meditation is mindful meditation in motion and a perfect complement to the usual seated meditation practice. Walking meditation is also great for beginners since walking is a familiar and necessary part of everyday life.  

Walking Meditation For Beginners - 4 Step Basic Guide

Walking meditation is not just about strolling, it is about being mindful as much as possible while we are walking. It is about being aware of our bodies and physical sensations as we move. Our bodies and minds are rooted in the present moment. 

When you are practising walking meditation, you should imagine and visualize yourself as imprinting peace, serenity and happiness on the ground as you walk. That way, it also uplifts your spirit, soul, mind and body psychologically at the same time because when you visualize positive feelings and emotions, the result will be a return of the very same feelings and emotions; thereby helping you to release stress and negative feelings as well as emotions. 

Here is how you can get started on walking meditation:

Walking Meditation For Beginners - 4 Step Basic Guide

Choosing Your Meditation Spot

1. Before you start, look for a location where you can walk slowly and quietly without obstacles. The location needs to be devoid of traffic and ideally, the ground should be flat enough without worrying about falls. 

If you are walking in a public space, you will need to take care not to get in the way of others. Alternatively, you can do it indoors and it is a good option to help you stay more focused on mindfulness than get distracted by your surroundings when practising outside.  

Starting Your Walk Of Mindfulness

2. After you have found a suitable spot for walking meditation, you can begin each session by anchoring yourself. Take a minute to breathe deeply as you bring your full attention to your body. Wind down and focus on how stable the ground feels beneath your feet, sensing the many and varied sensations within your body. Take note of your thoughts and feelings too. 

Start walking slowly. In walking meditation, the focus should be on the movement of your feet and legs as well as the motion of your body instead of your breath. As you walk slowly and mindfully in a circle or back and forth, turning a corner etc, be as mindful as you can of the position of your feet and the accompanying feelings, thoughts and sensations. 

An advisable duration will be to walk for at least 10 minutes. Walk at your own pace and do not rush. You can always take a break and stretch or simply stop moving with the natural flow of things.

Walking Meditation For Beginners - 4 Step Basic Guide

Maintaining A State Of Mindfulness

3. As you sense and observe the various sensations as you walk, do take note of the feelings and thoughts that come into play as well. Just note them mentally as they arise and there is no need to analyze, accept or reject them at all. Remember to maintain a state of mindfulness as you walk. Most importantly, walk naturally with an open mind and heart as you go with the flow. 

Speed And Posture

4. The pace of walking meditation can range from slow to extremely slow. You can do whatever you feel comfortable with as you walk – letting your hands and arms swing loosely by your sides, clasping them in front of your body or holding them behind your back. 

Your body should be relaxed as you walk, moving in a natural and comfortable manner. Walk with poise, keeping your body posture upright and aligned. It might prove challenging for starters but with practice, you will definitely get the hang of walking meditation!

In summary, walking meditation helps you to sharpen your senses for mindfulness in everyday life so even when challenging situations suddenly arise, you can be in a state of calmness anywhere and anytime.


Other topics –> Intellectual Property Valuation – 4 Best Practices

Intellectual Property Valuation - 4 Best Practices

As technology continues to advance and drive global economy in the millennial age, many companies, especially the technology-based ones, are discovering that intellectual property (IP) occupies a lion’s share of their value. Examples of intellectual property are brands, patents, copyrights and manufacturing processes. 

Guidelines and regulations regarding the valuation of intellectual property are also evolving worldwide due to different statutory laws in individual countries. The valuation of intellectual property involves assigning a monetary value to the intangible assets of a business entity. However, the intangible nature of intellectual property means it is often difficult to value and define, making it a challenge to put a fair price to the value.

Intellectual Property Valuation - 4 Best Practices

IP valuation is a major issue especially in the area of mergers and acquisitions because a typical potential acquiree will claim to have accumulated a significant amount of intellectual property and wants to be paid for it. Hence reliable valuation is important for multinational corporations involved in IP transactions. Intellectual property valuation is also useful for deriving the value of collateral to be used in a lending situation. 

Due to its intangible nature, it is not possible to assign an accurate value to intellectual property. Therefore many valuations methods are used to derive a range of possible valuations. The acquirer will then use the information to develop an initial offer price and a permissible range of increased prices that reasonably encompass the calculated value of the intellectual property.

These are 4 of the best practices in intellectual property valuation:

Intellectual Property Valuation - 4 Best Practices

1. Income Method

This method focuses on the future cash flow derived from a particular piece of intellectual property. Accuracy of the projected forecast is very important and the following variables are taken into account when using the income method. 

  • Income streams either from product sales or patent licensure
  • Estimate of duration of the patent’s useful life
  • Patent specific risk factors and incorporating those into the valuation
  • A discount rate as IP assets have their own risk of unique risk factors
  • Patent related factors – new patent issuance, challenges, infringement suits, trade secrets and cooperation treaties

2. Discounted Cash Flow Method

This method attempts to determine the IP value by computing the present value of cash flows from that particular piece of IP, over the economic life of the asset. As patents have a finite period of useful life, free cash flows are forecasted for the economic life of the patent and the discount rate is calculated by the time value of money and risk probability. The forecasted free cash flows should also be adjusted to increase a patent’s success.

Intellectual Property Valuation - 4 Best Practices

3. Relief From Royalty Method

This method is based on deprival value theory and looks at the amount of income that a company would be deprived of if it did not own the intellectual property but rented it from a third party instead. The royalty represents the rental fee which would be paid to the licensor if this arrangement is in place. 

The ability to determine an appropriate royalty fee is dependent on specific circumstances and requires the identification of suitable comparable transactions and prices involving third parties. A reliable sales forecast is required in order to derive an accurate estimate of income that comes from the intellectual property. An appropriate capital cost also needs to be determined to make this method a success.  

4. Venture Capital Method

This method also derives a patent’s value from the cash flows that arise from the asset’s life. However, it differs slightly from the Discounted Cash Flow Method because a fixed non-market based discount rate is used. It is usually 50 percent or in the 40-60 range and there is no major adjustment to increase the probability of a patent’s success. Cash flows are assumed to be constant and independent risk factors are lumped together. 

In summary, this list of intellectual property valuation methods is not exhaustive but it is advisable to employ two to three of them to derive a more accurate perspective and value so as to gain competitive advantage.


Other topics –> Movement Meditation – 10 Step Basic Guide

Movement Meditation - 10 Step Basic Guide

There are many types of meditation available and their benefits are plenty. Depending on your personality and objective for practising meditation, you will find one that suits your needs. If you have tried sitting meditation and find that it does not work for you because your mind just keeps drifting or you find yourself getting restless after a short while, movement meditation will be a good alternative.  

This is definitely for the highly energetic people who find it hard to sit still or take a pause in their lives! In some monasteries and meditation retreats, participants alternate between sitting meditation and moving meditation (usually walking meditation) in order to exercise the physical body, release tension and stimulate blood circulation.

Movement Meditation - 10 Step Basic Guide

Mindfulness is the biggest part of movement meditation. When you are mindful of the body, it means that you are mindful of how your muscles move and the feeling of how your feet brush against the floor when you walk. You begin to pay attention to the body and how it feels as it moves, turns and twists. You will feel even conscious of your breathing, heartbeat and other sensations. 

Movement meditation focuses on the movements of the body rather than the goal of the movement. Eg. Picking up a bowl from the table is not usually registered by your mind but being mindful of the process makes the movement very different. You feel the bend of the legs and arm as you reach out to pick up the bowl and you notice the movement of the head as you look towards the bowl. You feel and notice the extra weight in your hand as you lift the bowl. All of these are done in a state of awareness during movement meditation. 

Sounds fun and interesting? Let’s get started on this basic 10 step guide to movement meditation:


Relax into rhythm

1. Sit in a comfortable position and align your breath with your body. Try to relax and make your movements and breath into one, like someone moving in tune with a pendulum.

2. Put your hands on your body and feel the movement of breath as you breathe in and out. Notice how your arms extend and return slightly.

Movement Meditation - 10 Step Basic Guide

Tune in with your sensations and feelings

3. Start to stand up and observe what happens. You will feel your hands touch the ground, your legs begin to extend, your spine straighten and your neck strengthen as you move from a sitting position to a standing one.   

4. Once you are standing, observe the sensations and feelings in your body and take note of any uncomfortable ones. Adjust your body to make the uncomfortable sensations and feelings disappear. If you are unable to do so, then just take note for now and move on to somewhere else.  

5. Start at the top of your head and look out for any sensations or feelings that come into mind. Once you felt the sensations and feelings at the top of your head, move on downwards to your forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, ears, lips, chin neck etc. Take your time, do not rush and move at your own pace. Keep moving through your whole body, taking note of any feelings and sensations you have until you reach the tips of your toes. 

6. Bring your whole body back into focus and begin to move with your heartbeat. Feel your body as it moves side to side or back and forth. 

Movement Meditation - 10 Step Basic Guide

Visualized Imagery

7. Stretch an arm into the air and visualize that you are picking a pretty flower off a plant that is slightly out of reach. Notice how your arm lengthens as you reach out for the flower and how you tip your toes in order to maximize the length of your arm to reach the flower. Notice all the movements of your body as this simple act takes place.

8. Repeat with the other arm. 

9. Leave your standing spot and move around the area you are in. Notice the feelings and sensations that take place as you start to move. Your legs, hips, and spine all work together to create movement. Take your own pace to observe the individual feelings and sensations in those areas. 

10. Now, sit back and pay attention to your body as it bends. End as you began, aligning your breath with your body.

In summary, this is just an example and variation of movement meditation. There are a few variations of movement meditation – dancing, walking, shaking, cleaning and running. Isn’t that simple and easy to do? It is a part of everyday life for many of us! The most important is to be mindful of your body and look out for any sensations and feelings that occur as a result of practising movement meditation. Meditation has never been easier!


Other topics –> Business Valuation Explained – 6 Best Practices

Business Valuation Explained - 6 Best Practices

Business valuation is a general process of determining the current economic value of a company or an asset. It is used to determine the fair value of a business for many reasons which include sale value, taxation, establishing partner ownership and even divorce proceedings. There are a number of techniques for performing business valuation and owners will often engage professional business evaluators for an objective estimate value of the business. 

Business valuation is usually conducted when a company is looking to sell a part or all of its operations or looking to merge with or acquire another company. There are many factors to take into account when it comes to business valuation – company management, capital structure, potential future earnings or the market value of its assets. 

The tools for evaluation can vary among evaluators, businesses and industries. Business valuation is also important for tax reporting. Some tax-related events such as sale, purchase or gifting company shares will be taxed depending on business valuation.

There are many ways how a company can be valued and these are 6 of the best practices:

Business Valuation Explained - 6 Best Practices

1. Market Capitalization

This is the simplest method of business valuation. It is calculated by multiplying the company’s share price by its total number of outstanding shares. Eg. As of February 2021, Company Z traded $70.55. With a total number of 5 billion outstanding shares, the company could be valued at $70.55 x 5 billion = $352.75 billion.

2. Earnings Multiplier

The earnings multiplier method may be used to get a more accurate picture of the real value of a company since a company’s profits are a better and more reliable indicator of its financial success than sales revenue is. It is also called the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E), comparing a company’s current share price to its pre-share earnings. 

Future profits are adjusted against cash flow that could be invested at the current interest rate over the same period of time. In other words, it adjusts the current P/E ratio to account for current interest rates.

Business Valuation Explained - 6 Best Practices

3. Times Revenue

This method defines a stream of revenues generated over a certain period of time and applied to a multiplier which is dependent on the industry and its economic environment. Eg. A tech company may be valued at 5x revenue while a service firm may be valued at 1x revenue. 

Times Revenue method is especially popular with individuals who own small businesses. They use it when they want to determine the approximate value of their companies so they can ensure proper financial planning and preparation before selling the business. 

4. Discounted Cash Flow

Similar to the earnings multiplier method, this method is based on future projections of cash flows which are adjusted to get the current market value of the company. The main difference between these two methods is that it takes inflation into account to calculate and derive the present value.

Business Valuation Explained - 6 Best Practices

5. Book Value

This refers to a company’s equity value as reported in its financial statements. The book value is typically viewed in relation to the company’s stock value; it is determined by taking the total value of a company’s assets and subtracting any of its liabilities the company is still owing. 

Book value also takes depreciation into account in the book value of assets. It attempts to match the book value with the actual value of the company. It is typically grown per share, determined by dividing all shareholder equity by the number of outstanding common stock shares. 

6. Liquidation Value

This is defined as the estimated amount of money that could be received quickly through the sale of an asset or company. In short, the liquidation value refers to the worth of physical assets of a company as it steps out of business. 

It only takes in the value of the tangible assets unlike selling off a business that also takes into account the intangible assets. It is commonly referred to the cash value of a single asset.  

In summary, the list of business valuation methods is not exhaustive and it forms the central basis of informed decision making for companies, both in the present and in the future. The future is unpredictable and companies need to prepare for uncertainty at all times in the event of unforeseen circumstances. 


Other topics –> Sound Meditation For Beginners – 7 Step Basic Guide

Sound Meditation For Beginners - 7 Step Basic Guide

Meditation is highly popular in today’s society norms and should come as no surprise, given the fact we are being subject to so much stress nowadays. Work assignments, health issues, family obligations, relationship problems….you name it.  

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, how do we find time to destress and rejuvenate ourselves? Here comes sound meditation to the rescue, a different “noise” from the outside world! 

Sound meditation aka sound bath, is the use of a tool to cultivate and induce deep relaxation. Its purpose is to create a gentle but yet powerful experience that clears the mind, heals the physical body and helps pull your focus back to the present. 

So how is this different from regular meditation? Regular meditation requires you to count your breaths, visualize something or repeat a mantra in your head. However, for sound meditation, it gives you sound and vibrations to focus on so you quieten down faster easily. 

Sound Meditation For Beginners - 7 Step Basic Guide

Many research studies have shown that music can have a profound effect on both your emotions and physical body. Upbeat music can make you feel more positive about life while a slower tempo can help your mind to quieten down and muscles to relax. It is effective for stress management and relaxation. 

Sound meditation is particularly useful for sales executives or busy professionals who are always on the go and find it difficult to quieten down as they are used to so much noise and data they receive through their five senses every day.

So how do you get started? Here is a step by step guide to help you release stress and relax:


Pre-Start Cleansing Ritual

1. Have a Tibetan singing bowl ready. It is an effective and useful healing tool in sound meditation. It is a great idea to have at least two to three singing bowls at home. 

Sound Meditation For Beginners - 7 Step Basic Guide

2. Start by clearing out negative energy from your space. Hold a singing bowl in one hand and use the other hand to strike your bowl with the mallet as you move around your house or office.

Hear The Symphony Of Sound Meditation

3. Once the cleansing ritual is completed, sit in a comfortable position and surround yourself with the singing bowls. If you only have one singing bowl, hold it in your hand.  Light an aromatherapy candle to set the mood and kick the relaxation up a notch as well as to increase the flow of spiritual energy. 

4. Set your intentions or thoughts on good, happy and positive thoughts of love, peace, hope or joy and play your singing bowl by striking it. Hold the bowl in the palm of your non-dominant hand and the mallet in your dominant hand. 

Hold the mallet like a baton and strike the bowl lightly with the padded side of the mallet on the bowl’s mid-exterior wall. Striking will produce a pleasant, rich and soothing tone. Wait for the sounds and vibrations to dissipate completely before striking the bowl again.

Sound Meditation For Beginners - 7 Step Basic Guide

Relax And Experience Inner Calm

5. Take a deep breath and focus on your intentions. Let the sound vibrations help you relax, bringing inner calm and indescribable harmony.

6. Singing along with your singing bowls can give you empowerment and allow your intentions to guide you. When you surrender yourself completely to the practice of sound meditation, you will have a wonderful experience of deep cleansing, healing and rejuvenation. 

7. When you are finished, sit silently for a few seconds and express inner thanks for the practice. Show your gratitude for your singing bowls and for your own effort. 

Alternatively, if you are in the office and do not have a singing bowl, you can create a sound bath by listening to digital recordings of singing bowls or other sound bathing tools. The most important thing is that you can go into complete stillness and tranquility while listening to the digital sounds. 

We are surrounded with so much noise every day. Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves a little time to sit quietly so we can filter out the unwanted noise in our minds, hearts and bodies; becoming renewed and rebalanced in energy and soul. Have fun with your singing bowls!


Other topics –> StartUp Valuation – 6 Competitive Methods Explained

Startup Valuation - 6 Methods Explained

Business valuation is never straightforward and there is no “one size fits all” method. It is the analytical process of determining the current (or projected) worth of an asset or a company. There are many methods used for doing a valuation and this applies the same to startup valuation. In fact, it can be quite a tricky endeavour to perform startup valuation. 

There are many factors to take into consideration like the management team, product demand, market trends and marketing risks involved. Here’s the bomb: even after evaluating everything with the most effective valuation formula, the best you can hope for is still an estimate.  

Startup valuation methods are particularly important because they are applied to startup companies that are currently at pre-revenue stage and business owners will hope for a high valuation whereas investors will prefer a lower value that promises a higher return on investment (ROI). Unlike mature businesses, there are no financial records or steady stream of revenues to ease calculations of the startup valuation.

Startup Valuation - 6 Methods Explained

Venture capital firms and individual investors have dozens of methods to perform startup valuation with a range of easy and complex ones that involve several qualitative and quantitative variables.

These are 6 commonly used methods:


1. Venture Capital Method

This is a start up valuation that deploys a forecasted terminal value for the startup and an expected return from the investor, often stated as 10X, 8X and so on. It is to determine the pre-money and post-money valuations. The formula is as follows:

Pre-Money Valuation = Post-Money Valuation – Invested Capital 

With the Post-Money Valuation being the terminal value divided between the expected return.

Eg. An investor values your startup at a terminal value of $2,000,000 and he wants a 20X return on his $20,000 investment so it will be $2,000,000 divided by 20X and that will give you $100,000 for the Post-Money valuation. 

For Pre-Money Valuation, it will be $100,000 – $20,000 = $80,000

2. Cost To Duplicate Method

This method requires some due diligence as its main purpose is to determine how much it would cost to start the business from scratch. It is a very realistic approach that questions the competitive advantages of a startup. 

If the cost of duplicating the startup is very low, then its value will be worth almost nothing. However, if it is costly and complex to replicate the startup business model, then the startup valuation will increase proportionately with the cost and complexity.

Startup Valuation - 6 Methods Explained

3. Berkus Method

A straightforward method that values startups based on five key aspects and giving each aspect a certain amount of money. The five qualitative aspects are sound idea, prototype, high quality management team, strategic relationships and product rollout or sales made $500,000 each. 

For each aspect the startup possesses in full, the valuation should go up by $500,000. However, it depends on the extent in which each aspect is developed. The investor could possibly reduce the value of the item to $300,000 or $150,000, to determine the final value. 

4. Discounted Cash Flow Method

This is a technical tool employed by financial analysts to determine the value of a business by estimating its future cash flows and discounting them at a certain discount rate to obtain their present value. 

The sum of the discounted cash flows will be the determined amount for the startup valuation and given the fact that this method relies on assumptions with the performance of some historical data, it is not the most popular method used to do startup valuation.

Startup Valuation - 6 Methods Explained

5. Comparables Method

This method uses referential information and numbers from similar transactions to estimate the value of a startup. Eg. A similar app to the one developed by the startup was recently valued by a venture capital firm at $3,000,000 and the app had 100,000 active users. 

This means that the company was valued at $30 per user. An investor could use this as a benchmark to value a startup with a similar app. The comparables method provides an observable value for the startup hence it is the most widely used approach as it is easy to calculate and always current.

6. Valuation By Multiples Method

This is usually used on startups that have already made some money and are showing profits. Eg. The startup is generating an EBITDA of $300,000. Depending on the industry the startup is in, competition, management team and some other qualitative aspects, an investor could tell you he is valuing your business at 5X, 10X or 15X the current EBITDA. 

The EBITDA margins provide investors with a snapshot of the startup’s short term operational efficiency. As the margins ignore the impacts of non-operating factors such as taxes or intangible assets, the result is a more accurate reflection of the startup’s operating profitability hence this method is used by investors to quickly estimate the value of a more mature startup. 

There are more methods but these are some of the most commonly used for startup valuation. There is no perfect method to value a business that is at the pre-revenue stage but it gives you an idea of what you could expect and ask for your startup. We hope this puts you in a better position when it comes to the funding stages. 


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White Light Meditation - Powerful Guide To Natural Healing

Have you been suffering from insomnia or pain, feeling down or felt unmotivated to do anything at all? Maybe you have been seeing the doctor or even tried to read some motivational materials to pull your focus back again but seem unable to get the healing or results you want?

If this sounds like you, perhaps you may like to try light meditation. Meditation is a technique widely used to bring about inner calm, focus and stress relief. Did you know that it can even bring healing especially with light meditation?

White light meditation, or Jyoti Dhyana as it is called in Sanskrit, is an intense meditation technique that allows you to tap on and maximize your natural healing capacity and wellness potential. 

Each of our bodies has the capacity and ability to self heal. It is part of our genetic ability. Using white light meditation will allow you to focus your energy into the holy aspect of healing which will expand and purify through your mind, body and spirit. 

Sounds mystical? Let me explain. Think about what you would do when you get hungry. You will think of food, how to get the food either by making it or buying it and then eating it finally! Did you realize that you just do it naturally like breathing without thinking too much? Your inner thoughts lead to verbal expression and then physical action. 

White Light Meditation - Powerful Guide To Natural Healing

Just like how human thoughts can lead to certain positive or negative habits, we are focusing our energy inwards and deeply into this white, healing light that embodies and purifies us. The more we focus on this intense healing light, the more we manifest ourselves into wholeness! Our minds, bodies and spirits will be aligned harmoniously as one. 

One plus point about this light meditation is that it can be practiced just anywhere and if you are a very busy individual with very little time, this form of meditation works the best for you! You can do it whenever you feel you have a need to de-stress or increase your focus. 

The benefits of light meditation are many and some of them include improving your focus and overall well-being, increasing your motivation and confidence as well as empowering you for better endurance. Want to nail these benefits?

Let’s start right away with an easy step by step guide to light meditation!


A. Warming Up

1. Before you get started, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for an hour or so and play some soft and soothing background music. You may like to use a cushion to make yourself more comfortable.

2. Begin with sitting or lying down in a comfortable position. Place one of your hands on your solar plexus, right below the chest and the other hand on your sacral chakra, where your belly button is. 

3. Close your eyes and turn your attention towards your breath, allowing your body to relax as you take the deepest breath that you can. 

4. Slowly inhale through your nose and then release it out of your mouth. 

5. Imagine a warm healing white light that is shining brightly around you and each time you inhale, you are absorbing this healing white light of peace and tranquility. Allow this to flood through your entire being.

White Light Meditation - Powerful Guide To Natural Healing

B. Deeper Focus

6. Release the negative emotions by exhaling slowly. Whatever has been weighing on your mind, body and spirit – let them go. The worries, stress, pain, discomfort and sadness etc. As you exhale this negativity, inhale and embrace the healing white light. 

7. Imagine this healing white light coming from the heart of the universe and it is being channeled through a pair of warm, healing hands. Whatever resonates most strongly with you will be the perfect visualization scenario. 

8. Allow the healing white light to enter into your body, right through the top of your head. Let it penetrate your skin, bones, organs and blood. Allow it to pierce and purify every cell in your body. 

9. Let the warmth of the healing white light to expand through you, allowing it to penetrate and purify each individual chakra. 

10. Start back at the top of your head and guide the light through each individual part of your body. Through your head, neck, to your arms, chest, hips and then to your thighs, knees, calves and feet. Relax and let the light work its magic. 

11. Allow the white light to flow upwards from your feet. Back through your calves, thighs, and up through your stomach and chest. Then back to your head, filing your headspace with the white light. Let it swirl around in your head clockwise and then explode out through the top of your crown.

White Light Meditation - Powerful Guide To Natural Healing

C. Total Release

12. You might feel a peaceful, tingly sensation throughout your body. You might also see images, different visualizations or experience different auditory sensations. All of these are good things.

13. Let go of any negativity and things that do not make you feel happy or serve you in any way. Push them into the radiant white light and watch as the healing white light dissolves them into nothing.

14. Embrace the growing lightness in your body as the white light purifies and dispels the darkness within you. 

15. It is alright to feel emotional at this point of healing. If you feel like crying, just go ahead without holding back. Accept these emotions and allow them to wash through you. Release them – you will feel so cleansed, light and free!  

16. As the meditation comes to an end, allow yourself to relax and feel the warm healing light within your solar plexus. Place your hands against your solar plexus and feel the energy here. Move your hands in front of your heart in Namaskar Mudra (hands clasped in prayer above the heart) and offer thanks for the healing.

17. The meditation has ended and you may go to rest or sleep. 

There are so many things we face everyday – household chores, work assignments and health issues etc. When left unattended in the realm of darkness, the effects of the daily grind become disruptional to our lives. Practising light meditation regularly helps us to manage our daily lives better and more effectively. You will feel a complete sense of peace, calmness, confidence and acceptance with yourself. Keep meditating and move on!


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